Aluminum Boat Repair

Aluminum Boat Repair Aluminum Boat Repair. Boats, in general, require a lot of maintenance, especially aluminum boats in seawater. The salt content causes damage and excessive wear and tear. If you are experienced in the nuances, you can do most of the repairs...


The cars in the early days of motoring were pretty boring and mainly off the peg. There weren’t many differences between manufacturers. As a result, luxury car owners who wanted to stand out had the body customized or sometimes completely re-bodied....

RV Body Repair

Did you know that, unlike a car that comes out of a robotic assembly, an RV is probably handmade in manual assembly lines? With so many running parts, it is finicky at best. With RVs being a pretty significant investment, you want any repairs that arise, especially a...

How Long Does a Bumper Repair Take?

Bumper Repair After an accident, when it comes to repairing your car in a garage, the most commonly popped question in your mind remains, “how long will the repair take?”. This question might seem pretty straightforward to anyone, but the truth is that...

Fleet Vehicle Maintenance

A study by the Energy Savings Trust, operating costs and fuel costs fall by 10% and 15%, respectively, through proper fleet maintenance. Vehicles are the most critical asset of any fleet. Those in good operating conditions make the difference between success and...